
Did you know that strawberries are in season?

The Law of Averages dictates that life has a way of balancing itself out.

For the past five years (as per August 2009), I will have been laid up here in the ol' town of New York proper. It was ok for the first year. Then I fell face-flat into the proverbial gutter that is lovingly known as New York Shitty. For the past three years, I've been scratching and scraping and gripping and pulling myself out of what has been a massive awakening and growth spurt (that's what she said).

As I sit here, in my own office (the door says so), listening to my musical choosings (Radiohead, naturally), and excited about being able to remain living in one spot for over a year and one month (which was my record until my couch-surfing and temp-living two year stint), which has now been SIXTEEN months!!!, and resigning the lease in July with none other than C-dub, and the upward mobility I am currently climbing, I'd like to sit back and graciously entertain gratitude.

But the little voice that talks to the little boy that lives in my throat tells me that this is to balance out the past. Pondering the reprocussions of future balancing-acts is like searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie.

To pay tribute to the universal powers that be, I promise to wear less pants at parties and dance on table tops more oftener.

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