
On second thought,

I hate lists about that type of shit.

So no lists!

Enjoy the first Snow Day of the longest winter to come!

I love snow!


I'm working on it...

Top Ten lists for the songs, TV scenes, and foods of 2009!

Get ready!


Lady Gaga, Noah and the Whale, Little Joy, Peggy waking up in Duck's bed, Betty finally leaving, Lindsay Lohan guest judging PR, the GG menage a trois, Scott's mussels, the tacos from the mexican shack down my street, Sara's chestnuts (and yes, I just realized that it sounds like I'm admiring my friend's tidbits), and tidbits!



Happy Giving Thanks!

The buttery savory tin the oven.

The homemade stuffing is awaitin'.

The taters are a' peelin'.

The guests are a' comin.'



Disappointed in Life

Nothing is sadder than biting into the turkey sandwich you so skillfully requested at the deli downstairs and realizing that the peppermill turkey you had only seconds earlier drooled over...has turned.

And that you have to eat said sandwich without meat. Thank god muenster can carry itself.


Weekly Vacation-Staycations

My job is a weekly exertion in travel, if not an exertion in the hope for humanity's soul, its a regular tour of the outer bouroughs, the Islands, and diversity at its most base meaning/s.

If I'm not in my Brooklyn Heights/Downtown Brooklyn office, the Supreme Courts in Manhattan or the Bronx or Brooklyn or Staten Island...there's always trips to one, or sometimes three, of Rikers Island's luxurious jailhouses, the infamous Bed-Stuy, the Westchester office in da Bronx, and tomorrow's stretch...Sheepshead Bay.

Which, for the lay-folk, is roundabouts Coney Island.

It's far, yo. Like, out-of-my-usual-commute far.

And I have to be there at 8:00 a.m.-ish.

I'm not complaining. I just get to tour NYC in ways I never, ever imagined I would. Seeing B.D. Wong on the L train or a filming of of "Raising the Bar" suddenly becomes all the more...unrealistic.

You wanna know what the average criminal justice system employee is doing on a regular workday in The City...he, or she, is on a train for the better part of an hour, or the Staten Island Ferry, the Rikers Island Q100 (formerly the Q101R), or in line for a $5 footlong.

You get to make new friends along the way, I'm sure you've heard my [(horror and) success] stories.