
Fall Term Report Card (preview)

Melrose Place - (I have given it three (Yes, I'm embarrassed) of my hours and I want two of them back. Great premiere, poor follow-up).
The Jay Leno Show - He is weird without the desk, amiriteladies?

Community - formulaic, but eff it! Its CHEVY FUCKING CHASE and Joel McHale...winners.
Bored to Death - besides the beauty that is Jason Schwartzman's hair (notable mention to Ted Danson), the dialogue is refreshing and kudos to Galfaiankiasssas (you know).
My first venti HOT coffee of the season - with a few dashes of nutmeg, and a stick of butter, y''alll.

Good Work:
Eating Health[ier] - its sad sometimes when what you're eating is not waffle fries, fried chicken or mozzarella sticks. Then again, its not sad to feel this great.
Mad Men - the first and only season to make me talk directly to the screen in surprise, shock, and dis/agreement. They're changing it up and its better now then 2 years from now than when we all hate it for not changing.
The Leaves Turning - Isn't it effing nice? But also, a little too soon...even for me.
Colleen's cooking - the more she cooks, the better she gets! I'm proud of the little toaster, I am!

Working Out - I know you're like duh! I'm like duh, myself. But so far...pretty great.
The Sister's postponing her wedding - meaning I'll be able to go next year.
The Stills - still...


A few things...

I'm not going to lament on the downfall that is technology...because while I and the rest of the world agonize on what has now been approximately 38 minutes without Gmail...I will share the following:

Musics right now: Anything T.Rex.
Movies right now: Anything sardonically rhythmical and a clever cover for heartfelt realizations. "I Heart Huckabees" is a nice throwback. So is "Clueless."
TVs right now: everything keeps coming up cougar, family-oriented, and reality-driven. I prefer to meet my cougars in Manhattan; if you own a family or are orientated towards that type of thing...spend quality time with your family (i.e. not in front of the t.v.); and is anything real anymore? Certainly not Courteney Cox-Arquette's face.
Fashions right now: Ladies, its ok to wear dresses. And gents, it is not ok to roll up your slacks...unless you're riding a bike or the same sex. That means gay dudes have my full authority to highwater their pants.
Foods right now: Autumn means the second best type of food, after summer fare. I'm making mac and cheese this weekend for a birthday party and I promise it to be the cheesiest to date (in the past, I've had a hard time with the pasta-cheese ratio).
Works right now: Immensely busy...but some how I find time in my busy pants-dropping schedule to do this.


My biceps hurt

But I'm glad they're still there.
Actually, the thing/s that surprisingly hurt the most since I started hitting the gym are...my hands.
Apparently, they've been pretty stress-free albeit helping people move.

Last night, I dreamt that me and this nerdy chick that liked me in high school were getting married and we were pretty stoked, staying at a house on the lake with all of our friends, until someone/thing came to stalk and murder all of my wedding guests one by one. My bride, who became hotter and blonder throughout my dream (morphing into my celebrity crush, I presume: Kristen Bell), and I were about to break free in my dad's old 69' Ford pick-up (weird) until we had to cross a flooded bridge. Which, of course, was flooded by the evil, flesh-eating lake, a la Creepshow, from whence the killer no doubt originated. Needless to say, we both drowned and died and I woke up to my groaning/mummering in fear.

Welcome, first day of fall.


Another wing on the barbie!

My first weekend as a 28 yr.-old saw the advent of many an awesome thing...such as Sara tap-dancing into our hearts (again), contemplative crabbiness at East River Park,

and, of course, dinner and dancing [re: beers, vodka, margaritas, and a Heineken pony keg!].

It was supposed to just be a small bar-be-que. But in the end, Colleen and Sara had injured each other and Klodi had become incomprehensible.

It began with two grilled meats I improvised myself, with a little help from my friends:
1. Saucy Burgers (consisting of a saucy mixture of worstershire and soy sauces (makes beef taste beefier and juicier), parsley, bread crumbs, salt & peppa, and a squirt of catsup...yah, good, ol' fashioned catsup for sweetness). They were a riotous hit as Klodi herself exclaimed they came in second only to my Christmastime roast beef!
2. (Litterally) Fire-Roasted Chicken (lightly seasoned with seasoned salt and marinated all day in no other than Frank's Hot Sauce). The chicken (thanks, Colleen!) came out juicy, tasty, not too dry, not too saucy...just effing right!

Thanks for the pic, Scott!