
The List: A [few] Favorites

1. Mad Men's season 2 on dvd...its in a shirt box for crissakes!

2. Freaks and Geeks. Mostly because it reminds me (all of us) of high school...unfortunately, it mostly reminds me of elementary school because I was a ginormous nerd then. This guy, we'll call Auggie, because that was his name, would pick on me on the bus-ride to school every morning in the third grade. Until one day I went home crying and my mom decided to DRIVE TO HIS HOUSE AND TALK TO HIS PARENTS. Mortifying: Completely. Effective: More than you think. I felt like complete shit when, as we were driving back home so I could hide in shame, we saw as his dad open-fisted his face. He was super nice after that.

3. Trader Joe's White Bean and Basil Hummus (sadly, no link).


1 comment:

  1. Hey #4 - the vamp on True Blood?

    She has inspired me to go redder.
