
the currents

Listening to: The Sneaker Pimps' Low Five

Seeing: another dark and distilling dreary sky. O, how I love thee, Eastern Coast.

Awaiting: final moves and preparations por la apartimiento nuevo.

Reeling from: Turkey sandwiches, man. Can never go wrong with some turkey, bacon, and mayo. NEVER.

Planning: barbequed chicken and potato salad with a shiny new red grill.

Pondering the lasting effects of: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It might not have had such an impact if my [crazy] grandmother that passed away last year hadn't have told such long-winded and milieud yarns herself or made my sister and I sort out large cookie-tins full of buttons.


  1. i liked benjamin button. then again, it's about weird pedophilia/old-ophelia and involves lots of new orleans, so i guess that's a given.

    sneaker pimps, yay!

  2. Wait - Benjamin Button has NOLA in it too? Why haven't I seen this yet!?!
